Fred Jones
This edition: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-9650263-0-7
Field: Education- Classroom management
Pages: 339
Publishers: Frederic h. jones
This is my personal reviw of the book
Fred Jones’ classroom management philosophy focuses inside the classroom from its inception. He tries to look at classroom management from different angles, such as building management, the teaching skills of the teachers, and teaching students to behave well, as well as caring about their learning. In addition, Jones believes in keeping it simple and workable for both the teacher and the students. For example, Jones teaches the teacher about the importance of understanding that classroom management is more than a set of rules. It is a kind of skill that they need to learn. He does not like to just post a list of a discipline rules on the board without a classroom manage plan to solve the behaviors problems. He encourages the teacher to do something, such as working the crowd, in which the teacher may divide his table distance from the students by color or try to arrange the classroom in such a way that allows him to walk through the students to help him prevent the bad behaviors without relying on the list of instructions. This is does not means that Jones does not have instructions or classroom discipline, but he would like to teach by setting a model for the students to learn about what they are supposed to do to behave well and at the same time enhance the learning inside classroom.
Fred Jones has clear goals for his classroom management as a whole philosophy, discipline, instruction and method. He believes that improvements in education start in the classroom. The teacher should feel they enjoy teaching and the student enjoy learning. For example, His main goals of classroom are to build fundamental skills of classroom management for the teacher, which will build a prevention classroom system that will benefit the teachers as well as students. From his experience, he reflects that classroom management should focus on three broad areas; first, instruction aims to get the students to learn more and making them more independent learners. Second, discipline should aim to stop the goofing off and keep the student busy with their classroom work. Finally, motivation helps the student to learn the benefit of working hard.
Fred Jones would like the teacher to do more than use words to stop the behaviors; he would like the teacher to be smart and prevent the behaviors before they start, such as using working the crowd methods that performs the same function as the verbal reminder by just walking through the students and using body language that can save teacher’s time and effort. The reminder step can cause lost time because the students can start a dialog with their teacher and then the teacher may feel stressed and end up sending them to the office.
I think Fred Jones’ classroom discipline will be more effective than this step for several reasons. First, he is trying to understand all sides of the problem such as the teacher’s responsibility, and the classroom environment. For example, Fred Jones suggests that the teacher use the visual instructional plans that eliminate the number of hand-raisers that disrupt the learning time. Also, he suggests using “Say, See, Do teaching,” which focuses on learning. Some will ask how these methods will work with behavior problems. As I mentioned above, Jones would like to not only solve the problems, but to create a prevention system that helps the teacher to predict and work to prevent the problems before it occurs in the classroom. For instance, the “Say, See, Do teaching” method works with brain function to introduce the information to the students that help the students in the classroom to learn, whereas the traditional methods cause hand raising and goofing off because they do not understand what the teacher says and they try to find something else to do instead.
Jones believes that the teacher should teach the student from the first day of school about the classroom structures by practicing well-developed classroom routines. Also, building a motivation system can end the bad behaviors, such as using a reward system. However, if the bad behaviors still occur, then Jones has what is called “Omission Training” that aims to teach responsibility because it focuses on an individual’s behavior problems. It is system that makes the peer groups help the teacher to stop the bad behaviors in the classroom. It focuses on the positive behaviors by using a reward system, such as preferred activities time. Omission Training is very respective, effective body language and communication if the teacher has had effective training to use it
Very good book for any teacehr would like to improve his classroom management
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